Tips For Baking Sourdough Bread

Sourdough bread is a favorite for people who enjoy artisan breads. It’s chewy with a nice crust and has a tang that adds to the flavor.

How to Make Your Own Sourdough Bread Recipe

If you are new to baking bread, you might not yet understand all the complex processes involved in sourdough bread making. Souring bread is a very old and ancient art dating back to early civilizations like the Indus Valley Civilization. Many of the cultures of the world have their own variations of bread recipes and many of those recipes can be traced back to ancient cultures. You can learn about bread making from books or by searching the internet.

sourdough bread

To make sourdough bread, you first need to prepare the ingredients. Most starter set ups have a small wooden container with a built in wire rack that is great for storing your ingredients and ensuring even cooking. Your wooden container will come in handy when baking because it allows you to place the finished loaf inside while it is still warm. Loafing the dough into a baking pan is not necessary, but it does allow for better browning and gives the bread a better flavor. After the dough has been put into the bakeware, place the lid on it for baking. You  want to preheat the oven and maintain the right temp.

You Need A Good Starter

You also need to make sure that your starter is ready to go before you add the rest of the ingredients. If it’s dry and in one piece, this is fine, but if it’s not in its perfect shape, you’ll need to add a lot more yeast to make up for the lost moisture. Most people are intimidated at the prospect of wild yeast, but it’s actually quite easy to get your starter going. For starter, you might want to go with a brand that contains a little less than 2 billionths of a teaspoon of yeast, because they are easier to work with and usually contain a lot more yeast than regular brands.

Bread makers that come with basic recipes usually only include the amount of yeast needed to make one basic loaf of bread. What you can do is try different recipes and see which ones you like best. It’s always best to start off with a basic recipe and then add the ingredients to see which ones make the best basic loaf of bread for you. When you’re making sourdough bread, there are other things you need to know. For example, this bread has a lower gluten content than normal bread so it’s not something for people who have celiac disease to eat.

Sourdough Bread Is Higher In Gluten

Also, because it has a higher gluten content than normal white bread, it can potentially be more difficult to digest. This is why many people who are eating sourdough bread make a point to put it in the refrigerator first thing in the morning. Sometimes, eating it in the refrigerator allows the enzymes in the bread to begin working again, which will help with any gluten intolerance issues. If you have a food allergy, you may have to experiment with a few recipes to find the one that does not give you problems.

Baking your own sourdough bread recipe is easy and it’s fun. You can try several different recipes and see what works best for you. You don’t have to follow a complicated step-by-step recipe that contains steps for baking, mixing, rising, etc. Just make a simple sourdough bread recipe and you’re on your way to enjoying a delicious and easy loaf of bread.
