Baking Bread Is Very Easy!

Nothing smells better than a kitchen after baking bread. The aroma is wonderful and will linger for hours. Baking bread is surprisingly easy and you will be amazed at some of the fun bread recipes that you can find.

How to Make Bread

It never stops to amaze how many amateur and advanced cooks still flounder, even at the thought of baking bread for the first time. They shake their heads, pull their hair, they retreat slowly away, muttering, “No, No, not so good with bread.” And then they proceed to stuff their face with the tasteless white bread crumbs that comes out of their un-baked bread machines.

baking bread

If you’ve ever made a bad roll or loaf of bread then you understand what I’m talking about. It’s like trying to navigate through an ocean of sewage. There are so many things to look at and so many different things to remember that it’s easy to get confused. That’s why the old adage of “you get what you pay for” comes so true when you’re thinking of buying a bread maker. You really should spend some money on a good bread baking machine, even if you don’t think you can actually bake bread very well.

Figure Out What Kind Of Bread You Want To Bake

The first thing you need to consider is whether you want your bread making venture to be a quick one or a long, drawn out, slow and careful process. In both cases, you have a couple of choices: standard, heavy, white bread and sourdough starters. You can also use different types of starter cultures for each type.

The standard starter, the heavy wheat flour, white and whole grain wheat flour, come in two forms: bulk and portion. If you bake bread frequently then you will probably want to use the bulk variety as it keeps more of the vitamins and minerals that you put in your bread. For those who don’t bake bread very often, the portion variety is best as it comes in smaller packages.

How To Bake Bread

Use Only Fresh Ingredients

As for the other ingredients, you’ll want to use the best ingredients for each type so you won’t have to keep buying other ingredients since they aren’t used that much. If you’re going to use a traditional yeast for your bread baking, then the best ingredients are live and active yeast flakes and liquid yeast. For the starter cultures, it’s okay to use the generic kind, but make sure they come in liquid form. If you prefer to have a lot of options, you may also want to consider using the powdered sugar and/or brown sugar.  Just make sure to follow the recipe, baking bread is a science.

Once you have your ingredients and your equipment ready, it’s time to head to your favorite grocery stores. You can either find your things there, or you may have to go to different ones. I usually try to shop at my local grocery stores so I can see the products on display. However, if you tend to shop at all the same places then there’s really nothing special you can do there. What you should do though is look online; there are many different items and companies that sell these types of products that you can buy there instead of in your local stores.
